How to Use IGTV for Business in 2024: A Complete Guide | Scribeage


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How to Use IGTV for Business in 2024: A Complete Guide
Last updated Jan 10, 2024
How to use IGTV for business

Are you a digital marketer or business owner, seeking ways to increase the population of your target audience? If yes, permit me to show you how to use IGTV for business growth. IGTV is a video platform that can be used to promote your business. Wondering why you should make use of a video platform to promote your business?

According to idea rocket animation, 90% of information that our brain stores are visual, which means customers will get more convinced about your business when you make use of video to advertise rather than text.

I remember the words of Katie Freiling, which says Video marketing is, without a doubt, one of the biggest reasons I’ve been able to create multiple six-figure businesses online

Many business owners and marketers are on the verge of backing out of their careers, because they are not getting good results in their business, or because their competitor is doing far better than them. Nevertheless, the reason why these sets of business owners or marketers aren’t getting the result they wanted, is because they aren’t taking advantage of the digital tools available to them, or not utilizing them well.

In this article, I will be showing you a complete Guide, on how to use IGTV for your business, and at the end, you will be able to say bye to poor sales, or low traffic on your website, with the help of IGTV.

How to Use IGTV for Business in 2024: A Complete Guide For Business Owners and Marketers Share on X


IGTV is a Video Platform and one of YouTube’s competitors with over 1 billion users, while YouTube has 1.3 billion users. When Instagram was launched, users could make use of the platform, to interact with friends, and post short videos.

However, with the app, you can’t post videos more than 60 seconds in length.

That’s quite too short, right?

Absolutely yes, especially for those using the platform to promote their business.

In just 60 seconds, there is no way you will be able to tell people full details about what your business is all about, and what you do. 

Having a huge video length will make you fully express yourself, and tell the world, about your business, or yourself.

However, with just a 60 seconds video, this is quite impossible, unless you will have to break the videos into short videos, and by doing so, some important aspects of the video might get missed. Luckily for all business owners, IGTV was launched on the 28th of June 2018 and allows users to post videos up to 15- 60 minutes of video length.

Amazing right?

With this new feature, IGTV comes with, you can now make use of the platform, for the betterment of your business and what you do. Such as:

  • Self-promotion: Just like YouTube, you can make use of IGTV to promote yourself.

Perhaps, if you are into comedy, or you have some special talents (Singing, acting, etc), you can make use of IGTV to connect yourself with millions of users across the world.

Many famous comedians, singers, or actors you are seeing today, such as Odunlade Adekola, Mr Macaroni, brought themselves to the limelight, by making use of the platform to promote themselves

  • Business promotion: Large audience is what can give your business a better ROI.

Instagram is the second most populated social media, after Facebook according to Socialpilot. (More on how to use Instagram to promote your business later)

  • Brand promotion: With the large population on Instagram, you can make use of the Platform, to connect your brand with very a large audience
  • Affiliate Marketing: Are you an affiliate marketer, and you are not getting conversions, or people are not clicking on your Affiliate link?

Don’t be discouraged yet.

Perhaps, you’ve heard a lot from people that you can make 6 figures from Affiliate Marketing, and it’s already turning to cock and bull story to you.

No, it’s not.

All you need to do is to re-strategize, in agreement with post affiliate pro, videos are one of the most effective ways to get your audience engaged, and boost your conversions. Your audience will get more engaged, when they see you expressing yourself, about the product, and in the video. All you have to do is add your affiliate link to the video and tell your audience to purchase the product via the affiliate link.

  • YouTube promotion: If you own a YouTube channel, and you don’t have many subscribers, or you have low watch hours, which is making you unable to monetize your channel.

You can make use of IGTV to promote your YouTube channel.

You can do this, by making short videos on IGTV to let people know about what you offer on your YouTube channel. In the video, convince the audience to subscribe to your YouTube channel, to enjoy more of what you do.

In short, IGTV is all you need to create awareness for whatever you do.

How IGTV Works

When IGTV was launched, users could access the TV directly from the main Instagram app


However, according to a report by Facebook’s official, it was being made known that many users aren’t making use of the icon to use IGTV.

In line with this, the button has to be removed, and access to IGTV has to be replaced with a better option.

And this was why the IGTV was launched as a separate platform.

If you are using an Android phone, you can download it directly from the play store, and if you are using an iPhone, you can download the app from the apple store.

IGTV plays the same role as YouTube, and the only difference is that you users aren’t allowed to monetize their videos yet unlike YouTube.

Nevertheless, in keeping with social trends today it has been made known that Instagram will soon introduce an ads monetization feature in the platform, where content creators will be able to monetize their videos.

And you know the angelic aspect?

In a statement shared by Instagram’s chief operating officer Justin Osofsky, it was revealed that the profit sharing will be at a ratio of 55:45, which means, content creators will take 55, while Instagram will take 45.

Requirements to Use IGTV

There are no special requirements to use IGTV, anyone can use the platform, regardless of your nationalities, occupation, or age.

No wonder the platform is flooded with millions of video creators. However, since this TV feature is enabled on Instagram, old Instagram users do not have to create a new account on IGTV to access the platform. With respect to this, it’s super easy to get your videos uploaded on IGTV for the purpose of promoting your business.

Nevertheless, for the sake of those who are new on Instagram, or old users, who are clueless about how to upload videos on Instagram, the below are the requirements to upload videos on IGTV.

  • To upload videos on IGTV, you can either make use of the standalone IGTV app or the web platform.
  • Make sure your video is in vertical or portrait orientation
  • Your video should a ratio of 9:16
  • As recommended by IGTV, the dimension of your video should be 1080 pixels x 1920 pixels
  • Also, keep in mind that the size of your video must not exceed 650MB
  • The minimum video length you can upload is 15 seconds.
  • For an unverified account, you can’t upload videos longer than 10minutes.
  •  However, if your account is verified you can have a video up to 1hour in length uploaded on your channel.

NB: If you are uploading videos longer than 10 minutes, you have to make use of the web platform to upload such videos.

According to Instagram, the objective of the platform is to retain high-quality videos. With respect to this, if you want your videos to get approved, make sure they are of high quality.

Also, if your video isn’t up to a minute, it’s of no use uploading the video on IGTV, use your normal Instagram account to upload such videos.

Why Should You Use IGTV For Your Business?

Just like Lewis Howes, said, “Video can seem like just another challenge to overcome, but I see a major increase in my business and brand awareness, all from the power of video.”

Making use of IGTV for your business will make customers easily connect with you. This is because, they will get to see what you are talking about visually, in addition, your mode of expression and speech will develop the interest of the audience in what you are talking about.

How to Access IGTV

Since the IGTV icon has been removed from the Instagram app, many users who aren’t aware of what IGTV is all about will find it a bit confusing to access the platform.

However, there are two ways to access the platform. The first way is by downloading the app, on your mobile device. Alternatively, on your main Instagram app, click on the + icon, which can be found in the left corner of your Instagram page account.

Doing this will make IGTV pop up, at the soffit of your screen, and the videos on IGTV will be displayed to you. The video plays automatically just like YouTube.

Who Can Use IGTV

Anyone can use IGTV, regardless of age or any condition.

Nevertheless, bear in mind that, to access the IGTV app, you must have an Instagram account.

Also, the followers and friends you have on your Instagram account will automatically appear on your IGTV account.

So you do not have to panic about the stress of having to search for followers. Can You Make Money On IGTV?

Let me bring this to your notice, In case you aren’t aware. There are many ways to make money online and  IGTV is one of the platforms where you can earn a good amount of money by posting on the platform.

Did you know Christian Ronaldo earns $1,000,000 per each of his posts on Instagram? 

However, the amount you will earn on Instagram is directly proportional to the number of followers you have on Instagram According to a Petalcard post

If you make use of Instagram, and you have up to 1000 followers or less, you can earn up to $88 per each of your posts.

While you can earn up to $200 per post if you have up to 10,000 followers.

If you want to make a fortune from Instagram, do all your best and get up to one million followers on the platform.

You may be wondering how easy it will be to get a large number of followers on the platform, however, it can be quite easy, because Instagram has over a billion users.

Below are ways to gain more followers on Instagram.

  • Make your username search-friendly

Do not use a username that people will find hard to remember. Make it as simple and as friendly as possible.

  • Post at a consistent time interval

The greatest malady you can cause to your Instagram account is by posting at random days, or posting many times daily. Doing this will be seen as spamming the platform, and your content won’t be delivered to many audiences, which can make you gain followers.

In the post of sprout social, posting at a consistent calendar will make your content delivered to the right audience, and you won’t be seen as spamming the platform. Have a dedicated calendar for how you post on the platform, be it two times daily, or 4 times a week, depending on your purpose of using Instagram.

  • Avoid fake followers

Using bots to automate followers on your Instagram account, can get your account banned. Or perhaps, joining Facebook groups with a large audience and following each other’s Instagram account. This won’t help your account whatsoever, and will also hinder your content from being displayed to the right audience.

  • Promote your Instagram account

It may take quite a long time for your Instagram account to get into the limelight if you fail to promote the account. You can promote your Instagram account, on your other social media accounts, such as Facebook and Twitter, and beckons on your fans to follow you on your IG account.

Alternatively, you can make use of your website/blog to promote your Instagram account. All you have to do is to add an Instagram share button to your blog content and tell the audience to follow you, for more informative content.

  • Pay Big Brands

You can pay big brands to promote your Instagram account for you. Since they already have a large number of followers, they will be able to tell their large audience what you do and to also follow you.

  • Engage with the audience

Do not ignore any comment on your post, no matter how silly it may sound. Be free with your audience, and during your interaction in the comment section, you can simply tell them to follow you.

  • Keep Consistent content

Do not post different content each day. Let your content be consistent, do not post about pregnancy tips, today, and the following day, you are posting about how to apply for a scholarship.


Yes, absolutely free.

Regardless of the numerous benefits this platform offers to its users, the platform is completely free, and you do not have to pay any registration fee. It’s free to create an account, and it’s also free to upload content on the platform.

Can You Upload Video to IGTV with a Mobile Device

Yes, you can upload videos to your channel with your mobile device. However, the video must not be more than 10 minutes duration, if not you will have to make use of a PC.

How To Upload Videos On IGTV Via PC (Desktop, Tablet, or Laptop)

I made it clear the other time, that to upload videos on IGTV, it has to be either via your mobile devices or PC.

However, if the video is more than 10 minutes long, you have to make use of a PC to upload the videos.

Also, bear in mind that there is no separate website meant for IGTV aside from the official website for Instagram.

To upload a video on Instagram via PC, kindly follow the steps below.

  1. Go to Instagram’s official website and log in with your account details.
  1. Go to your profile section. You will find an option, tagged IGTV, which can be found between Post and Save.
  1. Once you click on the IGTV option, it will directly take you to where you can upload your vidoe
  1. Choose the video you would like to upload, add a description, title and hashtags

Once you are set to post your video click the “Post” button

How To Upload Video On IGTV Via Mobile Devices

You can make use of IGTV to watch videos, which are being posted by content creators on Instagram. However, to upload videos on IGTV, it has to be via the standalone IGTV app, or via the website which is easy beyond what you may think of.

To upload videos, follow these procedures.

The first step is for you to log in to your Instagram account.


Once you’ve successfully logged in, locate the settings icon, which can be found at the top right corner. Among the options that will be displayed to you, click on create a channel


In the announcement, made by Instagram. IGTV is more like a regular TV you watch at home/restaurant etc. The only thing that sets a difference is that the creators are the channels.

IGTV is programmed in such a way that once you follow a Creator, their content will frequently get displayed to you. And you are free to follow anyone


Now that you’ve done the needful, the below step is a detailed guide on how to upload videos on IGTV.

  • Tap on the + icon, and IGTV will pop up at the bottom of the screen.
  • Click on IGTV video, and you will be directly taken to your gallery, where you will have to select the video which you want to upload.

With the recent update on IGTV, you can now upload both horizontal and vertical videos. I can’t recommend which will be best between the two, however, I advise you to try both out before posting a video. However, your horizontal videos should have a ratio of 16:9, while a ratio of 9:16 for the vertical videos, as recommended by Instagram.

  • Just like youtube, the next step for you to follow is to add a title and description to your video.

Give your video an attractive title and description. On the description, you can add external links to it, which can take readers outside of Instagram. This is an added advantage for people into affiliate marketing.

How To Use IGTV For Business

Now that you’ve learned all needed about IGTV, and how it can be beneficial to your business.

The question you will ask is, how can you use IGTV to promote your business?

Below is a complete guide on how to use IGTV for business.

Develop A Niche Audience

It’s of no use, thousands of followers and only 2 or 3 shows interest in what you do.

This is why it’s bad to buy followers.

Build a niche audience who are gotten naturally and have chances of showing interest in what you do. I explained earlier in the article, how to get followers on Instagram.

Grab The Attention Of The Audience With Previous Content.

You can grab the attention of the audience with your previously published content, without getting a copyright strike. You can make use of your videos, which you have published on YouTube, or Facebook, to attract an audience, who will likely be interested in your business on Instagram.

  • You can post celebrity videos, or interviews, to attract a large audience.

Use Videos For Product Description And Review.

People get more convinced when they see you talking about a particular, and explaining to them how to use it. Many businesses make use of IGTV to post instructional videos of their products.

In the video, you will be able to tell the audience the benefits of the products.

Interact With The Audience

Interacting with the audience is a great way to increase the performance of your business. When you engage with the audience, it will develop their trust in your business and your products.

Alternatively, you can also host Questions and Answers sessions on your IGTV channel. The question and answer session will enable the audience to ask honest questions, and you will as well be able to clear whatever their doubt is.

Video Idea For Beginners

Perhaps you are good at making videos, but you are clueless about the type of content that you can create that will trend on the platform.

Below are some ideas for you.

  1. Comedy (Comic Character)

Are you good at comedy skits? If yes, you can monetize this talent by posting your videos on IGTV.

You can make use of your mobile devices to upload such videos, if the video is no longer than 10 minutes. You can make use of good video editing apps, such as Viva or inshorts

  1. How to

One thing I believe that has made YouTube stand out and remain relevant up to today is because the platform is a place where people are being taught how to do things practically.

When you watch videos on how to solve a certain problem, you will understand it better than text on how to solve that problem.

If you are good at a particular skill, be it sewing, graphic designs, cooking, etc, you can create how-to videos on these things

  1. Tourism Videos

You can visit beautiful places, and shoot videos about why you think people should be there too.

It could be museums, ancient buildings, villages, and tell the audience the amazing things that are in such places.

  1. Reviews

You can make reviews about some product, what you think about the product, and which you suggest that people should use.

You can also make reviews about games, food products, etc.

These are just a few ideas about the kind of videos you can upload on your IGTV channel. However, there are numerous types of video ideas you can upload on your IGTV channel.

You can also, upload contents such as,

  • Reality shows
  • Animations
  • Pranks
  • Short dramas etc


Gone are the days, when people made use of Instagram, for catching fun and uploading images only, today you can create a blog for your business and leverage the power of IGTV to take your business to the next level. Because IGTV comes with features that can be used to leverage the growth of your business. Let me know what you feel about using IGTV for your business and brand’s advantage in the comment section.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is IGTV and how does it differ from regular Instagram videos?

IGTV (Instagram TV) is a standalone video platform within Instagram that allows users to upload and watch long-form videos, ranging from 1 minute to 1 hour. Unlike regular Instagram videos, which have a maximum duration of 60 seconds, IGTV is designed for more extended content and is accessible both within the Instagram app and through a standalone IGTV app.

How do I create an IGTV channel for my business?

To create an IGTV channel, you must have an Instagram account. Once you’re logged in, tap on your profile picture, then select the “+” icon to create a new post. From there, choose “IGTV Video,” and you’ll be able to set up your channel. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup, and your IGTV channel will be ready

What type of content works best on IGTV for business?

Engaging and authentic content tends to perform well on IGTV. Consider sharing behind-the-scenes looks, tutorials, product demonstrations, interviews, and other content that provides value to your audience. Longer-form content is good for IGTV, so take advantage of the extended time to tell a more comprehensive story or dive deeper into topics.

How can I optimize my IGTV videos for better visibility?

Optimize your IGTV videos by creating eye-catching thumbnails, writing compelling titles and descriptions, and using relevant hashtags. Additionally, promote your IGTV videos on your Instagram feed and stories to increase visibility. Collaborate with influencers or other businesses to cross-promote content and reach a broader audience.

Can I share my IGTV videos on other social media platforms?

Yes, you can share your IGTV videos on other platforms. When you upload a video to IGTV, you can share a preview on your Instagram feed. You can also copy the video link and share it on other social media channels like Facebook or Twitter to drive more traffic to your IGTV content.

Are analytics available for IGTV videos, and how can I use them to improve my strategy?

Yes, Instagram provides analytics for IGTV videos. You can access insights such as views, likes, comments, and audience retention. You can analyze this data to understand what content resonates most with your audience, the best times to post, and the demographics of your viewers. These insights helps you to refine your content strategy and create more engaging videos.

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<a href="" target="_self">Adetoye Ajala</a>

Adetoye Ajala

Copywriter, blogger and entrepreneur

Adetoye Ajala is a writer, blogger and serial entrepreneur. Written various articles about digital marketing, the internet, technology, blogging and SEO. You can follow him on Facebook

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