Ever wonder if it possible to remove the WordPress logo from the admin dashboard before? If you are a developer it’s good to remove that logo or replace it with your own logo most times. This will make your work look clean and more professional. This act will not only give you credibility but will also make your branding stronger. White labeling a WordPress website before you deliver to your client will give you the edge among your equal. It increases your horizon as a web designer, makes you look more professional, keeps your design simple and clean, and may also prevent your client to know the exact platform you use for their project and can increase the security of such a website.
Today, I will show how to remove the WordPress logo from the admin dashboard without plugins. But it is better if you have a child theme installed on your WordPress. It is always wise to install a child theme because this will prevent WordPress from overridden your codes during an update.
Removing The WordPress Logo
- Log in to your WordPress dashboard. If you are new to blogging here is an article to learn everything on how to start your own blog
- Click the theme editor under Appearance at the left-hand side of the dashboard and then click on funtions.php on your right-hand side as shown in the image below.
- Copy the code below and paste it into your child theme functions.php
/*Remove WordPress menu from admin bar*/
add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', 'remove_wp_logo', 999 );
function remove_wp_logo( $wp_admin_bar ) {
$wp_admin_bar->remove_node( 'wp-logo' );
- Click save and refresh your dashboard to see the changes.
You’ve just removed the WordPress logo from the admin dashboard. This step will earn you credibility from your client and also prevent your client to know which platform you use in designing their project. If you find this article interesting please share it with your friends and your comment as to if it’s necessary to white label a WordPress website is highly welcome.